Current Projects

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Centre for Women and Girls’ Innovation & Empowerment


CWGIE is a Diversity House project that intends to bring together woman and girls from different backgrounds to increase understanding and support that will create a cycle of empowerment. By discussing shared concerns and developing leadership and entrepreneurial skills we will enhance the economic prowess of women and girls. CWGIE aims to enable

Shake Your Body


Project Details Diversity House chose to deliver the BAME Shake Your Body project because of the health inequalities among BAME communities. The COVID-19 highlighted the wide gulf in the health of these communities. Public Health England report of June 2020 publish in the heat of the pandemic buttressed that BAME communities were disproportionately impacted

Diversity House Youth Club


Diversity House Youth Project was initiated in summer 2010. It was initially funded by Kent County council’s ‘Positive Activities for young people’ and is now fully affiliated to Kent Youth Project. Originally set up as a result of an influx of migrant communities settling in Swale. The scheme caters for the social needs of

Informal ESOL


Diversity House informal ESOL was set up as result of requests from the participants of our Work Club, many who are clients of the local Job Centre Plus. Initially, we were referring our service users to Kent Adult Education for ESOL lessons. However, those who are looking for employment but needed to improve their spoken

Learning Alliance for Palliative and End of Life Care Services LAPCEL


LAPCEL Palliative Care & End of Life Practises This project is funded by Health Education Kent , Surrey and Sussex and led by Drs David Smith and Carlos  Moreno-Leguizamon with support of Stephanie Grohmann of the Faculty of Health and Education at the University of Greenwich in collaboration with Diversity House and the Medway

Conversation Club


Another of Diversity House’s activities is the conversation club. It aims to build confidence and develop the interpersonal and communication skills of all participants. Participants are able to practice communicating with others in a comfortable and relaxed environment and by taking part in the various activities on offer, participants are also able to have