Project Description
Our Mission
Swale Women Empowering Women (SWEW) is a group of totally committed women of all ages eager to promote a positive image of women in Swale and Kent through information and knowledge sharing, equality and diversity, understanding, respect, reaching out, sharing support and advice and socialising.
The Swale Women Empowering Women (SWEW) project was so successful that further funding was sought to continue the project and in April 2017 Diversity House was awarded £347,105 from the Big Lottery Fund. Thus the SWEW project evolved to become ‘Supporting Women and Girls’ (SWAG).
Aims and Objectives
SWEW aims to help disadvantaged women to tackle isolation, improve their life chances by providing opportunities for enterprise, self-employment, employability, new skills, community participation and improved lifestyle choices.

What To Expect
We welcome anyone who is interestred in; discussing shared concerns, developing leadership skills, and gaining entrepreneurial knowledge which will enhance your employability skills. It aims to make sure that you have all the confidence, skills and information that you need to achieve your aspirations.
All Women Welcome
This opportunity is available to all who want to:
- Explore and develop your own business ideas and career goals
- Enhance your interpersonal skills and personal development
- Build confidence and self-esteem
- Gain focus and get motivated
- Increase your opportunities to network and gain alliances
- Information exchange
- Learn how to influence people, handle gender issues in the workplace and much more!
Learn How To
- Achieve much more than you hoped for through networking, training, workshops, talks, 1 to 1 coaching and mentoring.
- Volunteer your time and expertise to help others with any of the above
- We welcome enquiries from individuals who would like to become volunteers to help with this project. By volunteering with us you are not only making a huge invaluable contribution to your community, but also have an opportunity to boost your career options and develop invaluable social and professional skills.
How You Can Help
- Make a real difference to other women’s lives
- Gain valuable work experience
- Make a contribution to the community
- Increase knowledge and skills
Please contact the project manager to discuss current and future opportunities available and application requirements.
Alternatively you can offer your time as a Mentor
Food For Thought
- At least 75% of mothers have primary responsibility for childcare in the home.
- Women occupy on average 30.9% of ‘top jobs’ across 11 sectors.
- Approximately 70% of people in national minimum wage jobs are women.
- Cuts to public sector affect women disproportionately because women make up two thirds of the workforce.
- 54% of women working part time have been found to be working ‘below their potential’, which amounts to 2.8 million women.
- On average two women a week are killed by a violent partner or ex-partner in the UK.
- The full time gender pay gap is 10% and the average part-time pay gap is 34.5%.
We Are Part Of The UN Global Compact
“I am pleased to confirm that Diversity House Limited supports the ten principles of the UN Global Compact with respect to human right, labour, environment, and anti-corruption. With this commitment, we express our intent to advance these principles within our sphere of influence and will make a clear statement of this commitment of our stakeholders and the general public.
We also pledge to take part in the activities of the UN Global Compact where appropriate and feasible – through for instance participation in Country/Local Networks involvement in specialised initiatives and work streams; engagement in partnership projects; and reviewing and providing commentary to participating companies on their communications on progress”.
– Christine Locke (Chair and Project Lead)
Comments From Our Annual Conference
I enjoyed it and would love to be part of it again next time.
Dear everybody at Diversity House, Thank-you for organising such an inspirational conference.
It was a pleasure to be there and an honour to have been invited to hold my mini workshops! well done to everyone who helped to make it such a great day!
Thank-you Diversity House for an interesting SWEW conference. Well done Christine and her team.
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