Friday 5th January 2018
Diversity House and Swale CVS are delighted to announce that the Big Lottery Awards for All have granted £8,651 to support Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Communities with volunteering in the Swale area. The project will raise awareness of the benefits of volunteering amongst BME groups, thereby leading to recruitment, training and supporting the beneficiaries from these groups to volunteer locally and build social capital.
Diversity House Project Officer, Neema Kambona said:
“It is a wonderful opportunity to be working on a project which raises the skills and aspirations of BME groups in the area. Volunteering has so many wider benefits, not only to oneself but to a whole community that is able to gain from positive repercussions economically, socially and from increased local engagement and participation.”
Mrs Julia Watling, the Volunteer Centre Manager, Swale Community & Voluntary Services said:
“I am looking forward to Swale Community & Voluntary Services working in partnership with Diversity House on this project. Our statistics show that BME communities are underrepresented in volunteering in Swale and this project will raise awareness of volunteering within these communities, providing those interested with the skills to feel confident in volunteering within their local community through training and one to one mentoring. It is great to be involved in a project which will operate within the heart of local communities.
The programme is starting with immediate effect and will build on the excellent work that Diversity House has already achieved in increasing volunteering opportunities through their current projects ‘Supporting Women and Girls’ in Swale and ‘Breaking the Myths: WW1 & Africa.’