
Centre for women and girls’ innovation & empowerment

Our newest project focusing on the health and wellbeing of women and girls to achieve their goals.


Diversity House Limited is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales No 06188059 and is a registered charity No 1122960. The Registered Office is ISP House, Church Street, Sittingbourne, Kent ME10 3EG


CWGIE is a Diversity House project that intends to bring together woman and girls from different backgrounds to increase understanding and support that will create a cycle of empowerment. By discussing shared concerns and developing leadership and entrepreneurial skills we will enhance the economic prowess of women and girls. CWGIE aims to enables our users to assess information, acquire skills and enhance confidence to achieve their aspirations.

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Please Support Our latest Campaign on the Benefits of Breastfeeding

Diversity House is currently spearheading an impactful breastfeeding campaign that emphasises the many advantages it offers for both infants and mothers. This initiative sheds light on the vital role breastfeeding plays in nurturing the health and well-being of both these groups and is part of our Community Fund and support of the UN Global Compact.

For infants, the benefits of breastfeeding are multifaceted and remarkable. First and foremost, it acts as a powerful shield against ailments such as diarrhoea, ear infections, pneumonia, and asthma. Moreover, breastfeeding significantly reduces the likelihood of obesity and the development of allergies in infants. One of the most compelling advantages is the decreased risk of sudden infant death syndrome, illustrating the profound protective impact that breastfeeding can have on a child’s life.

In addition to the advantages bestowed upon infants, mothers also reap substantial rewards from breastfeeding. Notably, breastfeeding emerges as a pivotal factor in lowering the risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer for mothers. This remarkable health benefit highlights the profound impact that this natural practice can have on a woman’s long-term well-being. Breastfeeding is also a proven stress reducer, offering mothers a valuable means of alleviating the pressures that often accompany parenthood. By preventing postpartum depression and mitigating the risk of type 2 diabetes, breastfeeding becomes a cornerstone of maternal health, promoting emotional stability and physical vitality.

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Diversity House’s core priorities and vision is promoting community integration, inclusion and cohesion. It also aims to tackle social inequalities caused by social determinants of gender, race/ethnicity, age, religion, beliefs, values, language, disability, socio-economic status, education, among others.

What We Do

We believe that every individual regardless of their race or ethnicity should be treated with dignity, respect and given the opportunity to access services within the community. Diversity House stands for the notion that people should have opportunities, support and encouragement to exercise control over their own lives as well as acknowledge their responsibilities to themselves and to others.

Therefore, in Diversity House it is important to us that given the right support, the people living within these communities should be able to exercise control over their own lives and acknowledge their responsibilities to themselves and others.

About Us
Community Reach
Active Projects
Frequent Volunteers

CPD Accredited

Diversity House is officially CPD Accredited and recognised by the CPD Standard Office. Delegates that complete our learning activities can request formal CPD Certificates.

Chamber of Commerce

Diversity House is a registered member of the Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce which exemplifies our commitment to working with the local community in all aspects.

Breaking the Myths:
We Remember World War 1 in Africa

The book is a collection of 15 essays on why we remember World War One in Africa, by everyday people and well-known academics Sir Hew Strachan, Timothy Stapleton, Nuno Lemos Pires and David McDonald of Commonwealth War Graves Commission.

Includes a poem written specially for Diversity House remembering Africa by Kat Francis and contributions by the children of St Michael’s CE Junior School, Maidstone.

Order Your Copy

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Statement

At Diversity House, we are committed to fostering an environment where equality, diversity, inclusion, and intersectionality are not just ideals but lived realities. Our mission is to empower individuals and communities by promoting a culture of respect, understanding, and equity across all our initiatives.

We believe in the inherent dignity and worth of every person. Our programs and policies are designed to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to participate and thrive, free from discrimination based on race, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion, or any other status.

We celebrate the rich tapestry of our community’s cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives. We recognise that diversity is our strength and actively seek to create spaces where different voices are heard and valued.

Inclusion is at the heart of our work. We strive to create environments where all individuals feel welcomed, supported, and able to contribute fully. We are committed to removing barriers and helping everyone to access our programs and services.

We understand that individuals may face multiple, overlapping forms of discrimination and disadvantage. Our approach acknowledges the complexity of intersecting identities and their unique challenges. We are dedicated to addressing these challenges through informed, compassionate, and comprehensive strategies.

Our Commitment
Diversity House pledges to evaluate and improve our practices to uphold these principles continuously. We are dedicated to education, dialogue, and action that advance equality, diversity, inclusion, and intersectionality in all we do.

Join Us
We invite you to join us in our mission to build a more equitable and inclusive society. Together, we can make a difference.

Recent Projects

We run a variety of cultural projects across the UK



A list of our most recent news and articles


Our Proud Partnerships

We are proudly part of the UN global compact. We are pleased to confirm that Diversity House Limited supports the ten principles of the UN Global Compact with respect to human right, labour, environment, and anti-corruption. With this commitment, we express our intent to advance these principles within our sphere of influence and will make a clear statement of this commitment of our stakeholders and the general public. We also pledge to take part in the activities of the UN Global Compact where appropriate and feasible – through for instance participation in Country/Local Networks involvement in specialised initiatives and work streams; engagement in partnership projects; and reviewing and providing commentary to participating companies on their communications on progress.


SWEW is a group of totally committed women of all ages eager to promote a positive image of women in Swale and Kent through information and knowledge sharing, equality and diversity, understanding, respect, reaching out, sharing support and advice and socialising. SWEW aims to help disadvantaged women to tackle isolation, improve their life chances by providing opportunities for enterprise, self-employment, employability, new skills, community participation and improved lifestyle choices. We welcome anyone who is interestred in; discussing shared concerns, developing leadership skills, and gaining entrepreneurial knowledge which will enhance your employability skills. It aims to make sure that you have all the confidence, skills and information that you need to achieve your aspirations.



Diversity House works directly and in partnership with others to provide a range of activities and services to meet and champion the needs of disadvantaged and deprived communities, in particular those with a minority background living in Kent.